The Security Evacuation Handbook Vol II - Decision Making & Execution

Volume I of the The Security Evacuation Handbook focuses on decision-making and execution of security evacuations.

By Grant Rayner

US $28.95

"Both volumes of the Security Evacuation Handbook have been important resources in our Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Plans. They are full of sound and pragmatic advice, borne from excellent research and a wealth of experience."

—Will, Regional Security Director

The second volume of a two-volume series, focused on the planning and execution of security evacuations.

The first part of Volume II focuses on evacuation decision-making. As you’ll learn, deciding when to evacuate is a complex decision. This handbook will introduce a number of decision-making frameworks designed to make these complex and critical decisions slightly easier.

After covering decision-making, this volume then works through each stage of a security evacuation, breaking down the key processes involved in executing an evacuation.

By the end of this volume, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to execute a security evacuation from any location that poses a clear and present danger to the safety and wellbeing of your people.


Table of contents


Part 1: Evacuation Decision-Making

  1. The evacuation decision
  2. The escalating risk framework
  3. The infrastructure and resource availability framework
  4. The evacuation window framework
  5. The decision triggers framework
  6. The go / no-go criteria framework
  7. Benchmarking
  8. Final thoughts

Part 2: Evacuation Execution

  1. Introduction
  2. Principles of evacuation execution
  3. Basic steps of an evacuation
  4. Leadership during an evacuation
  5. Communications during an evacuation
  6. Conducting phased withdrawals
  7. Refusals to evacuate
  8. Routine operations
  9. Basic evacuation readiness
  10. Advanced evacuation readiness
  11. Executing an emergency evacuation
  12. Movement to the Assembly Point
  13. Waiting at the Assembly Point
  14. Convoy movement
  15. Movement to the Port of Departure
  16. At the Port of Departure
  17. At the Safe Haven
  18. Staying behind
  19. Going back
  20. Conclusion

First published 31 March 2020

Updated to Version 2 on 31 May 2022

ISBN: 978-981-18-0666-7

338 pages

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